
Posts Tagged ‘Creme De La Crime’

James Lipton and the Actors Studio did it for fun with the actors…..Now, I’m doing it for fun with the writers.
Now, I have one hell of an imagination (as most of you know), but what eleven year old kid, when given a school essay to write, would dream up a story about bomb disposal?
Author and writing extraordinaire, Chris Nickson. That’s who.
From that moment on, Chris realised he was born to be a storyteller. Um, yeah, no kidding.
Leeds-born Chris moved to the good old U S of A at the tender age of 21, where he stayed for thirty years.
Now if you are a music lover, then you may know him as the well-known music journalist, Chris Nickson, where he has written for numerous publications, including Global RhythmNo? Well Chris also broadcast on NPR, and is the author of The NPR Curious Listener’s Guide to World Music, Solid Air: The Life of John Martyn and the forthcoming Nice Up the Dance: The Story of Studio One
To top that, he’s also a singer-songwriter and guitarist.
However, maybe you know the name ‘Chris Nickson’ if you have a love for celebrity biographies. Chris has written several including ones for Will Smith, David Boreanaz, Ewan McGreggor, Mariah Carey, and Superhero Christopher Reeve.
In fact, in an interview on Laydilejur: Books and Stuff…, Chris boasts “At the height of it I was doing five or six (biographies) a year, as well as plenty of music journalism – to nourish the soul. I was very lucky, I was a writer and I was making a good living. If it was prostitution, it was definitely at the call girl end of the scale.”
No, still haven’t heard of him? Even though he has published over 28 non-fiction books? What rock have you guys been hiding under?
Chris is also author of the Richard Nottingham Series. The first, The Broken Token, was published in 2010. This was followed in 2011 with Cold Cruel Winter, which was subsequently named one of the 10 Best Mysteries of 2011 by Library Journal.
And Creme De La Crime has just released Constant Lovers, the third in the series. It’s US release date is set for May 1st, 2012.
Come the Fear, the fourth book in the Richard Nottingham series will be released in the UK in July 2012.
Also, 2011 saw the e-book release of late singer-songwriter John Martyn’s biography: ‘Solid Air: The Life of John Martyn’.
So, let’s see what self-confessed Yorkshireman and devotee of good tea and digestive biscuits made of our interview. 
1.  What is your favorite word?  Actually
2. What is your least favorite word? Debt
3. What turns you on?   Hair
4. What turns you off?    Hatred
5. What sound do you love?   Birdsong
6. What sound do you hate? Banality
7. What is your favorite curse word?   Fuck
8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?   Musician
9.  What profession would you not like to do?  CEO
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? “Bugger Off!”
 Contact Information

For more information regarding Chris Nickson, please check out his website, Facebook, twitter, blog, or email Chris at chrisnickson2@gmail.com

If you want more of me, I can be found on FacebookTwitter, Google+ and Linkedin

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