
Posts Tagged ‘Rubix Cube’

This weeks 30 Second Interview with actor and author, Stephen Collins swept me back to the 1980’s and a programme I absolutely loved; Tales of the Gold Monkey. (See interview here).

Well, it got me thinking of all the other ‘stuff’ I loved about the eighties. And, apart from the wild hair style I laquered to death, the eighties was one of the best decades of my life.

Okay, so I wore white stilletoe heels to the disco, and danced around my handbag….but, who didn’t?

So, here’s what I loved most about the 1980’s:

I even had a pair of luminous gloves like George Michael wore in the ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go Go’ video. I also remember one of the national newspapers selling a ‘YOG’ ring. It was a nickname of George’s when he was a child. He apparently wore an identical ring….and therefore, so did I – all for £4.99. The metal blackend within two weeks.

Spectrum Computer

Remember how you had to ‘load’ the games via cassette tape. You’d listen to two minutes of high pitch squealing, then an error would occur. After fiddling with the volume, you’d start again; just to play games like ‘Jet Set Willy’, ‘Pajamarama’, and ‘Booty’. Happy times.

I had the lace gloves, the studded belt, cut off leggins, net hair band, bangles, crosses hanging around my neck. I was Madonna…..until my mum refused to let me out of the house until I changed my clothes. Please tell me I wasn’t the only one.

Michael J. Fox
The funny thing about this film is that I never really wanted to see ‘Back to the Future’. A friend kept going on and on about the actor being gorgeous – she watched Michael religiously in ‘Family Ties’ – so, evenutally, I agreed to go to the cinema. That first scene, after Marty McFly is catapulted across Doc Browns room, I thought, “Yuck!”

By the end of the film, I was in love with Michael J. Fox. Still am a bit.

Eighties Television
I loved television programmes in the eighties. They were all cop and mystery shows. CHiPS, Hunter, Hart to Hart, and of course, Tales of the Gold Monkey. My favorite though was Dempsey and Makepeace; more so because of Michael Brandon. I even joined their fan club. The show was shot in and around London. I found out where one of the episodes had been filmed and…….oh dear, I do like to embarass myself.

Rubix Cube

I wasted hours and days of my life trying to figure this square out. In the end I just moved the stickers about.

So, that’s pretty much how I spent the 1980’s. How did you spend yours? And I want to hear all the embarassing details.

If you want more of me, I can be found on FacebookTwitter, Google+ and Linkedin

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