
Posts Tagged ‘James Rollins’

I’ve been away from my blog for what seems ages. But I do have good reason. I’ve been in Texas, working.

Honest, I have. And here are the pictures to prove it.

First, you find an awesome group of friends. Above, I’m with the adorable, Jenny Hansen, best room-mate ever, Piper Bayard, my gorgeous twin, Ingrid Schaffenburg, and the Godmother of us all, Kristen Lamb. This picture was taken after a long and stressful dinner with NYT Bestseller, James Rollins,  and a ton of other people. (I think Nigel Blackwell is taking the picture and bitching at the amount of time we took to say goodbye to each other).

Then, we invaded Lamb Ranch to do a little character R and R. Originally, my antagonist was a mild mannered gal whose only crime was to return her library books back two days late. Kristen ripped her apart and turned her into the Terminator’s ‘Sarah Connor’. Can you spot the difference?


Piper and I became so obsessed by our characters, we shot up the place.

We thought I’d missed the tin can….then on closer inspection found I’d hit it with every shot. 🙂

Afterwards, we went riding on the ATV’s at night across snake infested land…. just ’cause we’re hard as nails.

Unfortunately, it was all too much for Spawn. He may need a few more years training…..

So, back to business. How to hook an agent the ‘SOO’ Publishing way.

N.B. For those who haven’t been following my Facebook page, and I will shoot you later, ‘SOO’ stands for ‘Squeeze One Out’ – a term I used while stormchasing when wanting a wee or tinkle as the Americans like to put it. Unfortunately, to the Americans it means ‘No.2’ and I was saying it every time we stopped for gas – which averaged ten times a day five days of the week. No wonder they looked at me a little weird. ‘SOO’ Publishing will publish any novel…… as long as it’s c**p.

Right, the tried and tested way on how to snag that all important literary agent.

1. Gate-crash a writing conference party. The DFW Writers Convention is excellent!

2. Along with a friend (I recommend Jillian Dodd), find a likely male candidate. The more vulnerable he looks, the better. For the purpose of this blog and because I don’t relish a law suit, our agents name will be kept a secret 🙂

3. Start a conversation to break the ice. We began with the very boring, “so, what genre do your represent?”

4. Then make it more personal. We used questions like, “what are the names of your mum and dad?” and “what is your inside leg measurement?”

5. You’re almost best friends at this point so go for broke. Ask about his Abs and whether you can take a picture. If their face begins to redden, offer to do this in a secluded corner of the room.

6. Then, lure him back to a hotel room and ply him with drink.

You will have an agent for your novel by the end of the night – Guaranteed! If not, don’t untie him just yet. Take further pictures, if you know what I mean. It will help your cause immensely and he will cave in to your demands by morning.

If you’d prefer to take a more serious route, (you boring lot), then check out these posts:

Ingrid Schaffenburg’s Top Five Lessons from DFWCon,

Jess Witkins Celebrating her Writing Slump,

David Walker’s take on the DFW Convention

Julie Glover’s Ten Things to do at a Writing Conference

Tiffany A White’s What Writers Really Do at Conferences (apart from the above)

Jenny Hansen’s DFW Con and the Flu…Oh My!

And, Julie Glover’s Vlog – you can see us in the background, plotting.

If you want more of me, try checking out: FacebookTwitterGoogle+InstagramYou Tube, and Linkedin.

Join my email list and be first to hear about upcoming releases and offers.

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James Lipton and the Actors Studio did it for fun with the actors…..Now, I’m doing it for fun with the writers.

What does a Sacramento Veterinarian and Indiana Jones have in common?

Answer: James Czajkowski.


Oh, sorry. You’ll know him better by his pseudonym, James Rollins; the SIGMA Force Series and New York Times bestselling author.

Chicago born James grew up with comic book hero Doc Savage. Years later, a fan pointed out the similarities between his childhood hero and his writing. James had not even realised.

Graduating from the University of Missouri in 1985, James moved to Sacramento, California and established his own veterinary practice. A thousand miles from the successful author he is now, James’ love for science would prove to be the foundation for many future novels.

In 1999, James sold his first novel under the name James Clemens when he entered a writing contest at the Maui Writers’ Conference. He caught the eye of Publisher and Judge,  Terry Brooks and Wit’ch Fire was the first of five books in the The Banned and the Banished series. A year later, James released Subterranean; his first stand alone book under the name ‘Rollins’.

Never far away from his love of Doc Savage, in 2007 James was asked to adapt Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull into a novel. And, as an added bonus, he was given the go ahead to add several new scenes – thrilling Indie lovers worldwide.

Writing two novels a year, including the Jake Ransom children’s series, leaves little room for time off. Add to that the book tours, interviews, seminars and talks taking him across America, Europe and Australia, its hard to see how James finds time to relax. Then again, his idea of relaxation comes in the guise of spelunking, scuba diving, and hiking.

And, to top that, James’ skill and generosity at mentoring have made him a firm favorite with aspiring writers. A regular guest speaker for workshops and conventions, James is also among the core faculty of the annual Hawaii Writers Conference and Retreat.

Jake Ransom and the Howling Sphinx, debuted May 3, 2011 and The Devil Colony, was released June 21, 2011.

As unbelievable as it sounds, James found the time to answer these ten questions. Just as well it was a quick interview.

1. What is your favorite word?   Sluice

2. What is your least favorite word?   Phlegm

3. What turns you on?   Caving

4. What turns you off?  Colds

5. What sound do you love?   Laughter

6. What sound do you hate?   Jeering

7. What is your favorite curse word?   Frak

8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?   Archaeologist

9. What profession would you not like to do?   Accountant

10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?   Welcome

The Devil Colony (A Sigma Force Novel)    Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull    Jake Ransom and the Howling Sphinx

Contact Information

For information regarding James books and publishing company please visit the my website: http://www.jamesrollins.com/site

Twitter: @Jamesrollins

Blog: http://www.jamesrollins.com/blog

You can also find me on FacebookTwitter, Google+ and Linkedin

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