
Posts Tagged ‘Jillian Dodd’

I’ve been away from my blog for what seems ages. But I do have good reason. I’ve been in Texas, working.

Honest, I have. And here are the pictures to prove it.

First, you find an awesome group of friends. Above, I’m with the adorable, Jenny Hansen, best room-mate ever, Piper Bayard, my gorgeous twin, Ingrid Schaffenburg, and the Godmother of us all, Kristen Lamb. This picture was taken after a long and stressful dinner with NYT Bestseller, James Rollins,  and a ton of other people. (I think Nigel Blackwell is taking the picture and bitching at the amount of time we took to say goodbye to each other).

Then, we invaded Lamb Ranch to do a little character R and R. Originally, my antagonist was a mild mannered gal whose only crime was to return her library books back two days late. Kristen ripped her apart and turned her into the Terminator’s ‘Sarah Connor’. Can you spot the difference?


Piper and I became so obsessed by our characters, we shot up the place.

We thought I’d missed the tin can….then on closer inspection found I’d hit it with every shot. 🙂

Afterwards, we went riding on the ATV’s at night across snake infested land…. just ’cause we’re hard as nails.

Unfortunately, it was all too much for Spawn. He may need a few more years training…..

So, back to business. How to hook an agent the ‘SOO’ Publishing way.

N.B. For those who haven’t been following my Facebook page, and I will shoot you later, ‘SOO’ stands for ‘Squeeze One Out’ – a term I used while stormchasing when wanting a wee or tinkle as the Americans like to put it. Unfortunately, to the Americans it means ‘No.2’ and I was saying it every time we stopped for gas – which averaged ten times a day five days of the week. No wonder they looked at me a little weird. ‘SOO’ Publishing will publish any novel…… as long as it’s c**p.

Right, the tried and tested way on how to snag that all important literary agent.

1. Gate-crash a writing conference party. The DFW Writers Convention is excellent!

2. Along with a friend (I recommend Jillian Dodd), find a likely male candidate. The more vulnerable he looks, the better. For the purpose of this blog and because I don’t relish a law suit, our agents name will be kept a secret 🙂

3. Start a conversation to break the ice. We began with the very boring, “so, what genre do your represent?”

4. Then make it more personal. We used questions like, “what are the names of your mum and dad?” and “what is your inside leg measurement?”

5. You’re almost best friends at this point so go for broke. Ask about his Abs and whether you can take a picture. If their face begins to redden, offer to do this in a secluded corner of the room.

6. Then, lure him back to a hotel room and ply him with drink.

You will have an agent for your novel by the end of the night – Guaranteed! If not, don’t untie him just yet. Take further pictures, if you know what I mean. It will help your cause immensely and he will cave in to your demands by morning.

If you’d prefer to take a more serious route, (you boring lot), then check out these posts:

Ingrid Schaffenburg’s Top Five Lessons from DFWCon,

Jess Witkins Celebrating her Writing Slump,

David Walker’s take on the DFW Convention

Julie Glover’s Ten Things to do at a Writing Conference

Tiffany A White’s What Writers Really Do at Conferences (apart from the above)

Jenny Hansen’s DFW Con and the Flu…Oh My!

And, Julie Glover’s Vlog – you can see us in the background, plotting.

If you want more of me, try checking out: FacebookTwitterGoogle+InstagramYou Tube, and Linkedin.

Join my email list and be first to hear about upcoming releases and offers.

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I recently read a blog post ‘What Makes a Male Character Swoon Worthy?’, and loved it so much, I asked the writer, Jillian Dodd, if she would like to write more on the actions of the perfect man; for me.

Over to you, Jillian:

In my book, That Boy, the main love interest in the book is a boy named Phillip. Phillip is pretty dreamy. A lot of readers ask me if a man like Phillip really exists. I always have to answer yes. Phillip shares many characteristics with my own husband. In the upcoming sequel, That Wedding, Phillip shares a pros and cons list he made when deciding if he should tell his best friend that he was in love with her.

I got to thinking about my husband’s pros. So many of the things he does just make me melt.

He was so proud when our daughter was born

He’s the best kisser. Ever. We had a scheduled first date. I had met another guy that I was kinda going crazy about and almost cancelled our date*. I’m so glad I didn’t. When he kissed me, I knew.

He rubs my face to relax me.

He lets me pout to get my way.

He’s okay with the fact that our daughter has him wrapped around her little finger.
His muscles.

The way I feel safe in his arms.

How he always rescues me; Flat tires, snow storms, big spiders.

I’m horrible to buy presents for. I snoop. I look at our online banking. I try to trick the kids into telling me, but somehow he manages to surprise me every year.
He’s always warm.
He always gives me his jacket or sweatshirt if I’m cold, even if it means he gets cold.
He’s like my very own Ken doll. He lets me pick out all his suit, shirt, and tie combos.
When we were dating, we went snow skiing. It was my first time, and it was super cold. I hate cold. He took my mittens off on top of the mountain and blew warm air into them to warm my hands up.

Enjoying life with my brother at a Husker Bowl game

He’s a busy stressed executive, but he always puts our family first.

He lets me wear his sweatshirts when I’m sick.

He always smells amazing. Specifically his neck.
He lets me sleep in late.

He supports my wild ideas.

He didn’t laugh at me when I told him I was going to write a book. He made me finish.
He brings me real hot chocolate, the steamed milk yummy kind, in bed.
He drives me around to see Christmas lights every year, even though he doesn’t get the big deal.

He makes me laugh.

He puts gas in my car. My car is always empty.

He takes my car to get washed.

With my daughter at the lake, after she caught her first fish and she wanted to eat it. He talked her into throwing it back after the photo.

He orders pizza for the kids when I’m tired.

He lets me take really long baths with no interruptions.

He spends numerous hours with my son, working on his go kart, so my son can live his dream.

He buys me chocolate.

He looks equally sexy in a suit as he does in a tshirt.

He loves football as much as I do.

He celebrates life.

He never lets a waiter take his order first. Ladies always order first. Same thing for doors.

He is the dish fairy at our house. I hate emptying the dishwasher and love it when I open it up and the dishwasher is empty. He always tells me the dish fairy came.

He folds a perfect towel. Mine are always messy, whereas his look perfect.

With my son, spending lots of time so he can pursue his dream of racing professionally

He cleans out the shower drain.

He sold his race car to buy my engagement ring.

He doesn’t put up with my shit.

We’ve lived in many homes and in numerous cities, but it never matters. Home is where he is.


*You can read that story at http://jilliandodd.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/first-kisses/

For more information on Jillian, check out the following:

Website www.jilliandodd.net
Twitter www.twitter/JillianDodd
Blog: http://www.jilliandodd.wordpress.com

If you want more of me, you can also find me on
FacebookTwitter, Google+ and Linkedin

So, what special things does your partner do for you? How many of the above can you tick off? What qualities do you find attractive in a man? What/who is your ideal partner? Let me know. Let’s see if we can find someone more dreamy that Jillian’s hubby 🙂

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